A note on changes; two notes on…not changes?

The glorious Max Jacobson alerted me to the fact that my moping and blaming about readership was a lot of self pity over bullshit that isn’t the fault of the people who are actually reading me complain.  Of course, he didn’t say that, because he is nice and awesome, I just gleaned it from his actual, practical advice.  He just told me that I could make a couple tweaks that would prevent people who randomly happened upon this blog from running away and never coming back.  I changed the look to something less, how do you say, lazy and actually kind of weird.  I cleaned up the sidebar.  That’s pretty much it for now.

Oh, and my favorite news.  I Ate My DVD Collection is now officially at http://iatemydvdcollection.com.  That’s awesome, though it costs money, but I have a pretty good job, so I can take the $13 hit.  Whatever.  The old link works too, but now people who remember the name of my blog can look that up and find something that makes sense.

Of course, if Max and/or anyone else has more ideas for something to add to make the site more tolerable, by all means, leave a comment (for once, you assholes)(just kidding, I love you guys deeply).  And “more posts” doesn’t count – if you want more content, write it yourself, remember?

Also, two more observations:

1) I’ve seen a few things on Pitchfork (yes, I read it, fuck you) lately that have signaled to me that it’s time to start thinking about my year-end list of music.  That’s terrifying, especially because I’ve accumulated more current music in the year of 2008 than in any other year of my life by far (48 albums, by my iTunes count – and probably 40 of which I think about positively in some way) in time to put them in a list like this.  I have to get started on it now, or else I will feel like I cheated myself.  You’ll get no more music reviews out of me until my list, because I don’t want to spend all those thoughts and then have to say something new about the album on my list (even if it’s just a sentence’s worth).  As a result, this list will probably be pretty painstaking and masturbatory, so deal with that in advance.  Also as a result, it will probably be far too long for anyone with anything to do in their life to read in one sitting, so be prepared for that as well.  It will probably be a top-20.

2) I just got “musical genitalia” as one of my Top Searches.  That is teeeeerifying.  Whoever you are, I hope you enjoyed the review, and I hope equally as much that it is not what you were expecting.


  1. Max said

    I’d remove the “possibly related posts: (automatically generated)” because they’re kind of annoying.

    And, on a ridiculously minute level: add one line break () at the end of the paragraph so that there’ll be a space between it and the Categories section.

  2. Max said

    Between the parentheses I put the html for link break, and it just removed it. WordPress! It’s and if that doesn’t show up, then I don’t know.

  3. Max said

    That didn’t show up. I don’t know.

  4. Kriti said

    Gah, $13?! Bad deal! Domain names should cost under $10. I wish you’d told me about that, I know a bit about reliable hosts and domain name registrars.

    Oh, and congratulations on the domain! And the new look! And… life?

  5. Max said

    An about page would be pretty good too.

  6. I love sketchy searches! That one is almost as good as “redhead in gold thong.”

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